We keep on feeding on ideas

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Our goal at Gradiant is to improve our environment through technology innovation in ICT, so that society and companies can grow. And we have get to it.


A few years ago we started using the motto we feed on ideas, because that is really what we do: apply ICT innovation to solve real-world problems. Innovation needs creativity, the ability to think differently… In short, feeding on ideas.

At Gradiant we feed on the ideas, creativity and innovation of our team.

What is it like to work here?

Working in a technology centre like Gradiant is different from doing it in a technology company, “the key word here is autonomy. And it is no sense to put barriers to creativity”, says Iria Pérez, L​egal & Labour Manager. Indeed, at Gradiant you have more autonomy, more decision-making and the possibility to do things differently than in a traditional company.

Working at Gradiant can be one of the best experiences you will ever have in your life. Not only personally, but also professional. Because working on technology innovation you will be creating projects from the bottom up, solving problems, overcoming possible failures, and using innovative technologies in sectors that are still to be built … Experiences that you can hardly achieve in a traditional company.

We are a heterogeneous and multidisciplinary team formed by one hundred people, making us the largest ICT Technology Centre in Galicia and the 3rd in Spain for projects, revenues and size. In addition, Gradiant is the ICT Technology Center with the youngest team: here, the average age does not reach 29 years.

No schedules

At Gradiant, we do not have a schedule, because we trust in the responsibility of our people: as the project progresses and completes your tasks, as you grow as a professional and do your work better, we do not care if you work at nine the morning or at night, that’s what you decide. Whether you’re in the office at six in the morning or at eight in the afternoon, you’ll have a cup of coffee waiting for you (and surely someone to talk in the meantime).

The latest

We make here technology innovation. By definition, we work with technologies 2 years ahead of the market, technologies you have only been able to read about at some publication… You can work with them here, be creative and look for applications in the real world. We believe that technology can transform the world into a much better place, so we hope that those who work with us will help us continue to do so.

Within the same project, at Gradiant the nature of any tasks is different, so that “you learn a lot more than if you were locked up in an office all day long, as in many large companies” as Leticia Torrejón tells, Recruiter and Talent Manager. She insists a lot on the importance of training “the ongoing training in top technologies and skills is crucial in our centre. If we are not constantly trining, we will expire”.


We only know how to work as a team. We complement and combine personalities and different knowledge to create multidisciplinary teams based on constant communication for the exchange of ideas and knowledge. In fact, every six months, all of us change our places. After half a year with the same faces and the same teammates in front of, it’s time to change the air and open up to new experiences. The exchange of ideas enriches us and helps us to find solutions to the problems of our customers and partners.

We know and understand each other

At Gradiant we also run away from vertical communication: we hate the scheme “boss → chief → employee → fellow” used elsewhere, we do not like rigidity and keep our support structures to the minimum. We think the opposite is a brake for innovation and creativity. We are horizontal, we have direct formal and informal access to our managers… Something totally unthinkable in a traditional company.

We are always concerned about the professional growth of our people: here you will grow professionally as much as you want. Get to lead projects, technology bets… It depends only on you and your work.


Truly committed

We do not turn back on our environment. We want to improve it through technology innovation, but that does not mean that we have a blindfold that prevents us from seeing what happens around us beyond technology. We are geeks (a lot), but not so much as to lock ourselves in a bubble… We collaborate to solve the problems of our environment through agreements with associations, NGOs, foundations and initiatives that we think can make the world a better place. We are committed to equal opportunities, to reconcile work and family life, our natural environment and sustainability.

We trust people we work with, we are proud of what we do and we also enjoy doing it… We believe in technology innovation to change the world for the better, and we work hard to achieve it. Do you believe it too?

Would you like to work at Gradiant?

If you want to come and become part of Gradiant, check out our vacancies and internship offers and join our team!