21st century women technologists: the first steps into the working world

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At 21st Century Women Technologists, our goal is to give visibility to women who opt for STEAM careers. That is why we are dedicating this post to the promising young women who are finishing their internships at Gradiant and who have contributed their talent during this 2022. Their profiles are very different, their hobbies too; however, curiosity and the desire to learn and innovate are aspects that unite them. They are Iria Pérez, Lara Blanco, Laura Bacariza, Laura Honrubia and María Boado.  


What did you want to do when you were little?

Iria Pérez (IP):When I was little I wanted to be an ‘inventor’, but then I began to think that it was a trade of the past, that it was no longer possible to invent or dedicate oneself to that profession. I was also very motivated to be a carpenter/welder like my father. 

Lara Blanco Freire (LB): I was never sure what I wanted to do when I grew up, but I always knew it had to be something related to mathematics and computer science.

Laura Bacariza Baltasar (LBB): As a child I went through many stages, but I remember there was a time when I wanted to be a doctor. I think it was because of the supposed social prestige but I soon realised that I didn’t like that world.

Laura Honrubia Baamonde (LH): I wanted to be a vet.

María Boado Mallón (MB): I wanted to be a maths teacher or a researcher.


Why did you decide on technology?

IP: Over time, I discovered that there are still inventors today, only now they use other tools, they use other media such as electronics and they create or make use of software.

LB: Since I had a computer at home, I became more and more interested in technology. But I think the moment that made me decide to go into this field was when I attended a robotics competition in the 4th year of ESO.

LBB: Because as soon as I had contact with the technological world at school I saw that I was good at it and I liked it.

I was good at it and I liked it. Also, I was fascinated to understand how the devices we used (computers, projectors, etc.) worked.

devices we used (computers, projectors, everything related to circuits and electronics…).

and electronics…).

LH: It’s an area that I’ve always been good at and I found very interesting.

MB: I like science and technology, I find technological development very interesting, and I always wanted to do something to do with innovation. 


What do you like most about your work?

IP: What gives me most satisfaction in my work is being able to offer tools that aim to provide quality healthcare and improve the quality of life of patients and hospital workers. 

LB: Above all, the lack of routine, having to do different things every day. Moreover, it is not only being able to apply the knowledge learnt in the degree and master’s degree, but also to be in continuous learning.

LBB: That from the beginning it’s a very fluid learning process. This world of Radar is something that really appeals to me and from minute 1 I had a lot of tools and information at my disposal for my training. In addition, the working atmosphere is something I value very much. Here, everyone is willing to give you a hand.

LH: I love that it allows me to tinker with electronic devices.

MB: I like the fact that every day I learn new things: tools, interfaces, code libraries, ways of working and doing things, etc. I also like that there are a lot of people who give me their knowledge and from whom I can learn. 


Who is your female reference in the world of technology?

IP: One of my role models is Radia Perlman, who is considered the ‘mother of the internet’ for developing the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP). 

LB: I don’t think I’ve ever had any role models, as science has always been a field where women are not made visible.

LBB: If I’m honest, I didn’t have many female role models in the past, but nowadays I would put Hedy Lamarr as a role model. She invented the communications system called “spread spectrum transmission technique” on which all the wireless technologies we have today are based.

LH: Beulah Louise Henry, a great inventor.

MB: I could say Marie Curie, for example. 


How do you imagine your career in technology, and where would you like to go?

LB: As I have just started my career, for now, what I would most like to do is to continue training and learning, both in my area and in other areas that are a bit different.

LBB: I imagine it as a continuous learning of what I like. To participate in

projects that integrate different aspects in order to learn a bit of everything,

even if I specialise in what I like the most. I would like to get to, for example,

lead a Radar project.

LH: I would like to end up working somewhere where I can work in a team and see how technology evolves on the front line.

MB: I would like to be part of projects that improve people’s lives, that make a big change and technological progress. 


What would you say to the technologists of the future?

IP: That the possibility of changing things is real and that it is not only the so-called breakthroughs that change people’s lives, but that every small step counts.

LB: That they should be encouraged to study what they like because the field of technology is very broad and they are sure to find something specific that suits what they are really interested in.

LBB: That it’s a very diverse world and that even if you don’t like some specific fields, you can find others that you are passionate about. It’s a sector with a great future in which you need people who know how to think…

LH: That the effort required to study a technological degree is worth it because it is a fascinating field.

MB: That they should study what they like best, that with hard work you can get wherever you want to go.