Start / End
October 2023 / June 2025
The CICERO project was created with the mission of launching a strategic R&D&i program in cybersecurity, focused on technology transfer, and complemented by the generation and recruitment of research talent in cybersecurity. It is a network composed of 113 researchers, 17% of whom are PhDs, with experience in the field of security, distributed across 5 work centers located in Galicia, Castilla y León, Catalonia, Andalusia, and the Basque Country. Currently, CICERO members generate over 20.7 million euros in revenue from this Cervera technology.
The project will focus on 4 technological areas:
– A2 Challenges in Identification: Focused on threat intelligence (through the automated analysis of honeypot data and the generation of realistic traces within them); and the identification of cryptographic vulnerabilities and exploitable weaknesses through side-channel attacks.
– A3 Challenges in Protection: Research will focus on multipart computation models with processing in the encrypted domain, as well as post-quantum cryptography; and technologies to improve access control in digital onboarding processes.
-A4 Challenges in Detection: Focused on the development of a prototype for anomaly detection based on multi-agent systems, the investigation of mechanisms for the protection of generative AI, and the development of a virtual cybersecurity laboratory.
– A5 Challenges in Response and Recovery: Focused on digital forensic analysis of images.
In addition to these four technical activities, CICERO has two transversal activities:
– A1 Enhancement of Research Capabilities: This will focus on improving current capabilities through national specialist-level training and implementing measures to enhance the perception of research centers as attractive career options, thereby attracting national and international talent. A cybersecurity laboratory network will also be created, serving as a platform for training and talent recruitment.
– A6 Technology Transfer and Internationalization: This includes actions aimed at boosting technology and knowledge transfer (through FARO projects), dissemination of results, and positioning the network as a benchmark in cybersecurity.
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