he INFINITECH project (Tailored IoT & BigData Sandboxes and Testbeds for Smart, Autonomous, and Personalized Services in the European Finance and Insurance Services Ecosystem) seeks to transform the European finance and insurance ecosystem through the use of advanced technologies. Despite a significant increase in investments related to Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and IoT, these organizations still face numerous challenges that limit the full exploitation of these technologies’ potential. Key obstacles include fragmented data in “silos”, the complexity of complying with strict regulations, and the lack of suitable environments for experimenting and testing new solutions.
INFINITECH is a joint initiative bringing together leading ICT and financial sector players with the aim of reducing barriers to innovation. The project focuses on providing solutions that facilitate regulatory compliance and offer safe environments for testing and experimenting with new technologies. Additionally, INFINITECH aims to stimulate investment in Big Data, AI, and IoT within the financial sector, promoting a more efficient and effective use of these tools. Through this initiative, the goal is to build a smarter, more autonomous, and personalized financial ecosystem, allowing organizations to fully leverage the advantages of digital transformation.