The OPENVERSO project (Open, Virtualized Technology Demonstrators for Smart Networks) is related to innovations stemming from the “Internet of Things”, machine-type communications, Industry 4.0, virtual reality, etc., which will be largely driven by the capabilities of next-generation mobile communication networks. 5G and beyond 5G networks will provide the necessary improvements in network architecture, bandwidth, and latency for these advances to become a reality. To support a successful transition, the development and improvement of testbeds is key to optimizing the capabilities of 5G networks.
Unlike previous generations, 5G is no longer a closed monolithic technology but is made up of a set of tools that work collectively. Artificial intelligence, network access virtualization, self-management mechanisms, software-defined networks, and the constant update of standards make the availability of a controlled, comprehensive test and development environment essential to understand how these networks function and predict new use cases. The OPENVERSO concept is designed precisely to allow the members of the consortium to strategically position themselves in the development of these aspects.
Centro de Excelencia Cervera