detección precoz del cáncer de próstata con IA

Early Detection of Prostate Cancer with AI

Over the past decade, AI has experienced exponential growth and has changed the way we interact with technology across various sectors of society. This evolution is also present in the clinical field, where these tools have revolutionized the way diseases are diagnosed, treated, and managed today.

5G forum 2024

Guide to navigate the 5G Forum 

  This year, we return to the 5G Forum to showcase our advances in technology focused on two main aspects: the security of 5G networks and UxVs. The event will take place at the Nissan Cartuja Auditorium in Seville, in a hybrid format with two in-person days (May 6th and 7th) and three virtual days […]

computación confidencial y entorno seguros de datos

How to Protect Our Data in a Digital World

Los TEEs, o Entornos de Ejecución de Confianza, son dispositivos que se destacan por una característica única: contienen un área segura aislada dentro del procesador principal. Esta área garantiza la confidencialidad e integridad de los datos y el código que residen en ella, incluso en sistemas comprometidos.

Deepfakes detectadas con las herramientas de Gradiant y GICTEL

How to protect your business from deepfakes

Is your favourite singer giving you a set of luxury pots and pans as a gift? In an ad, Taylor Swift tells you in her voice that you only have to pay the delivery costs. Of course, the set you thought you were going to use to prepare your MasterChef application while dancing to ‘It’s […]

europe data spaces

Data space resources you should not miss

We’ve explained what data spaces and organizations are before in this blog… Now, we continue the discussion on this topic to give you an overview of the technical resources available to develop a data space claim with the specifications issued by the four key organizations for the implementation of the data economy envisioned by the […]

Empleo TIC en Galicia y cómo atraemos talento en Gradiant

Boosting IT employment in Galicia

According to the Observatorio da Sociedade da Información e a Modernización de Galicia, in 2022 there were more than 3,000 technology companies in Galicia. This figure places the community in fifth place in the country. Another highlight of the same report is the gross value added, which exceeded 1,740 million euros, representing almost 3% of […]