Carmela Troncoso, panelist at the CPDP Brussels

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The 7th International Conference on Computers , Privacy and Data Protection was held in Brussels during January. EU Commision, industry and academic representarives attended and participated at this Conference, in a time when some news -such as those caused by the Snowden Case- keep EU citizens in a state of constant alert concerning the security and privacy of their professional and personal data stored on the net .
During the Conference, the current state of the rules and regulations in this regard were addressed, and noted the need to further regulation on security and data privacy at a European level.
Troncoso’s intervention took place in the “Privacy Practices in Biometrics” Panel, and among other topics, she highlighted that the tecnology needed to ensure a certain standard of security and privacy is ready, and only social and legal awareness will be necessary to implement those standards by the industry.
The study of these gaps between technology and products available in the market is one of the tasks under the European project PRIPARE, which aims to establish a methodology for including policies and technologies for the protection of privacy in the design of ICT systems.
Gradiant is an international reference in terms of technology in this field, participating at European projects such as the aforementioned PRIPARE, or even other privately financed as SCAPE. Gradiant also has products already available in the market as SafeGDocs, or crypto-biometric technologies.
PRIPARE – This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 610613.