Gradiant in TM Forum

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Alexandre Pellitero Rivero and Adrián Teijeiro López | Researchers

Gradiant is a TM Forum member since May 2012. This non-profit organization aims at solving interoperability and standardization problems of service providers. Those providers, along with service integrators and related organizations, participate in different work groups.
The main goals of TM Forum groups are promoting and standardizing relevant technologies in their field. They cover topics like user experience management, cable initiatives, business risk management, data and information modeling, etc. All these groups seek compatibility of their outcome with Frameworx.
Frameworx is a suite of standards that provides the blueprint for effective business operations. It allows to evaluate and to improve organization performance. By using Frameworx, TM Forum members can reduce operation and integration costs and risks. Nowadays, 90% of service providers have already adopted it.

Within all these initiatives, Gradiant has an especial interest in the following groups, which are aligned with some of its main projects:
• Data Analytics/Big Data Management: It focuses on helping service providers to exploit business intelligence and data analytics tools.
• Cloud: this group is related with management and operational activities of cloud services. It intends to overcome the barriers for the adoption and market growth of cloud-based services.
•  Integration Framework (TIP): It seeks to allow interoperability between the different systems in an organization and its partners, to facilitate process automation. Integration Framework defines how processes and their information can be automated through standard interfaces based on SOA, called Business Services. Gradiant collaborates in this group actively along with Optare Solutions S.L.

Gradiant is continuously monitoring these working groups, whose standards will be adopted by most of the global communication market. TM Forum membership will allow Gradiant to participate in their creation and to interact with potential relevant partners.