Gradiant joins AERPAS

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Gradiant, the ICT Technology Centre of reference in Galicia, has joined AERPAS, the Spanish Association of RPAs (remotely piloted aircraft systems, for its English acronym). With this addition, Gradiant validates its position as ICT Innovation agent for this strategic market, joining a club which already contains the most important business and innovation agents of this field in Spain. Gradiant joins an association which provides great opportunities for networking, information and promotion within this market.

A sector that is not unknown to the Center: Gradiant has extensive experience in the field of RPAS, validated by more than a dozen projects, including international projects funded by European programs FP7 and H2020, both civil and military, in applications such as video surveillanceground-air and satellite communicationsphotogrammetryland and maritime security & defense, among others.

The experience of the team of RPAs specialists at Gradiant allows our partners and clients to face the biggest challenges related to advanced communications, navigation and design and development of payloads for different missions.

AERPAS has been formed to bring together all companies, organizations and individuals related to the development of the market for unmanned aerial systems. The Association has the purpose of promotion of RPAS, specifically including the following:

Promote normative regulations with governments of any kind.

  • Promote research through collaboration between companies and research centers.

  • Facilitate the export of Spanish products.

The Spanish Association of RPAS – AERPAS brings together the following professional groups:

  • Universities and research centers.

  • Manufacturers of platforms and complete systems.

  • System Integrators.

  • Manufacturers or systems integrators and subsystems.

  • RPAS operators.

  • Other service providers for the RPAS sector