Gradiant will show its technologies for UAVs at XPonential2016

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XPonential is the most influential event in the field of UAVs. It is celebrated in New Orleans, between May 2nd and 5th. It is organized by AUVSI ( Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International ) an international non-profit organization dedicated to promote unmanned systems and robotics communities.

An unmissable event and a meeting point for all professionals, companies and public institutions related to UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, UAVs). It is expected more than 8,000 industrial and professional leaders from more than 55 countries to attend XPONENTIAL 2016 .

Gradiant is exhibiting at this event thanks to the collaboration of ICEX, which has deployed a “Espacio España” in the exhibition. A space in which Gradiant can be visited at booth 2447 Hall 2.

Gradiant, the ICT Technology Centre of reference in Galicia, will display its UAVs applicable technologies, like its developments in Advanced Communications Technologies, Video Analytics and Data Analytics. These developments have been tested in many R&D projects for domestic and foreign enterprises, and therefore demonstrate the innovation capabilities of Gradiant in a highly competitive market, such as the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles one.

For more information or schedule a meet up in 2016 XPonential: Contact Us