Facendo Plus: a Collaborative Research and Experimental Development Project Driving Industrial Competitiveness

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proyecto Facendo Plus 

The Facendo Plus project (Industrial Competitiveness and Electromobility through Innovation and Digital Transformation Plus) will act in four areas: Factory of the Future, Vehicle of the Future, Connectivity and IT Infrastructure and Sustainability

Led by Stellantis Vigo, and co-financed by the Xunta de Galicia through Feder funds, with the participation of the technological centres CTAG, Aimen, EnergyLab and Gradiant; the University of Vigo, and the companies Unimate, SFC Solutions, Probotec and Merasys


Facendo Plus (Industrial Competitiveness and Electromobility through Innovation and Digital Transformation Plus), led by Stellantis Vigo, is a collaborative industrial research and experimental development project to foster industrial competitiveness in the Galician Automotive Sector, with lines of work linked to the Factory of the Future, the Vehicle of the Future, Connectivity and IT Infrastructure and Sustainability. The project involves the participation of the technology centres CTAG, Aimen, EnergyLab and Gradiant; the University of Vigo; and the SMEs Unimate, SFC Solutions, Probotec and Merasys. It is co-financed by the Xunta de Galicia in the framework of the fifth call for proposals of the Programa Fábrica Intelixente e Sustentable.

The aim of this project is to advance industrial competitiveness, generate technological innovation and boost the value chain in the Galician automotive sector, involving knowledge centres, SMEs and universities. The Factory of the Future aims to generate new knowledge on flexible production processes with a minimal carbon footprint for the manufacture of electric vehicles.


Vehicle of the Future and Sustainability

In relation to the Vehicle of the Future, new connected and intelligent systems and interfaces will be explored to enable the development of innovative products and devices for future electric and connected vehicle ranges. In addition, Connectivity and IT Infrastructure will investigate and evaluate technologies associated with connectivity, IoT and cloud to improve the performance (availability, security, automation, agility) and competitiveness of the IT infrastructure serving processes and products.

Facendo Plus incorporates Sustainability as an area of progress. Projects that promote the circular economy, the reduction of the carbon footprint, prioritising the use of renewable energies, are also integrated as lines of work.

The implementation period of this programme, from the publication of the call for proposals by the Galician Innovation Agency (GAIN) in July 2023, will last for more than three years, ending in September 2026. Facendo Plus partners will make an investment of 19.5 million euros, with public funding of almost 10 million euros from the Xunta de Galicia, through the European Regional Development Fund within the framework of the Feder Galicia 2021-2027 programme.

The background to Facendo Plus is two other Research and Development projects, running since 2016: Factoría 4.0 and Facendo 4.0, which materialised an investment of close to 170 million euros, with the execution of three million hours of research and engineering and the registration of up to 46 patents.

