Zona Franca, Chamber of Commerce, and Gradiant kick off the startTIC project

Firma del convenio del proyecto StartTIC

David Regades, José García Costas, and Luis Pérez sign the agreement that will regulate the high-tech incubator, a key project for the López Mora TIC hub

The high-tech incubator in emerging strategic sectors in Europe, startTIC, led by the Zona Franca with the participation of the Chamber of Commerce and Gradiant, takes another step toward its launch and becomes a reference project in Vigo. The Consorcio headquarters hosted the signing of the agreement between the three entities, with the presence of the Special State Delegate, David Regades, the President of the Chamber, José García Costas, and the General Director of Gradiant, Luis Pérez Freire. The event was also attended by the Mayor of Vigo and President of the CZFV, Abel Caballero.

The agreement regulates all aspects of this high-tech incubator, in addition to creating a startup incubation space in Vigo, which will be a key element of the future TIC hub in López Mora, where it will occupy building number 4. The project, which will work in all areas of ICT but with a particular focus on 5G technologies and cybersecurity, will mark a turning point for the network of technology companies in Vigo and its area, providing a strong boost to the ecosystem of emerging initiatives. In fact, following Zona Franca’s decision to establish the TIC hub in López Mora and secure funding for the incubator, the Consorcio has already attracted events like the “Tech Angels Capital” conference, to be held at the Areal headquarters, bringing together investors specializing in ICT projects with tech startups.

Investment in startTIC

Additionally, startTIC benefits from a substantial investment of €3.5 million, €2.1 million of which is financed by the “European Regional Development Fund under the Spain Multiregional FEDER Program 2021-2027” after the Zona Franca-led bid achieved the highest score among the submitted projects, securing a co-financing rate of 6

The State Delegate for Zona Franca, David Regades, expressed his pride in presenting “such a powerful project, once again the result of public-private collaboration, the best-rated of all those submitted to the European call, which will be located in a Communication Services environment like López Mora, destined to become the TIC hub of the Northwest peninsula. We will, as the delegate said, become the focal point and backbone of tech companies in Galicia and northern Portugal.” Regades noted that building number 4 “will already be under construction next year as we complete the project in the first quarter of 2025, and our goal is to have not only the building but the entire López Mora complex inaugurated within two years.”

The President of the Chamber, José García Costas, pointed to the collaboration between Zona Franca, Gradiant, and the Chamber of Pontevedra, Vigo, and Vilagarcía, as well as the support of the Incyde Foundation of the Chambers, as “providing a solid foundation for launching a resource that will be key to the advancement and consolidation of the TIC sector, in which Vigo is poised to become a reference hub.” García Costas highlighted that “digitization, technology transfer to SMEs and micro-enterprises, and fostering entrepreneurship in the sector are a top priority in the Chamber’s roadmap.” He also noted that the Chamber’s involvement in startTIC builds on other initiatives the institution is advancing in this direction, such as the two centers of the Digital Hub Net project already operational in Pontevedra and Vilagarcía de Arousa.

Galicia, a reference region in ICT entrepreneurship

The General Director of Gradiant, Luis Pérez Freire, emphasized the importance of this initiative “in positioning Galicia as a reference region in ICT entrepreneurship, with a geographic hub already closely linked to ICT fields such as telecommunications, cybersecurity, AI, unmanned vehicles, aerospace… and increasingly better positioned in emerging and strategic areas like quantum, semiconductors, and photonics.” Through this collaboration with Zona Franca and the Chamber, Gradiant brings the technological center’s expertise in technology incubation and spin-off creation, which has led to the founding of 3 technology-based companies employing 50 people in Galicia in recent years, with plans to launch 2 more spin-offs next year. Pérez Freire sees startTIC as “a necessary element to help consolidate the Galician native ICT sector and attract new players in the form of tech companies and investors who will help the ecosystem grow faster and stronger.”

Finally, the Mayor of Vigo and President of CZFV, Abel Caballero, stressed the importance of the signing of this agreement, noting that “behind this is the strength of Vigo, and what we are doing today will be part of the city’s history, because this is the starting point. European funds are no longer a barrier for us; everything we apply for is granted, and we must seize this opportunity.” The Mayor stated that “we must occupy every space in this technological revolution because it is the key to economic growth and employment, and nothing will stop us.” The TIC hub will be a springboard for ICT. “We did it with the automotive industry, we did it with shipbuilding, and now we will do it again with new technologies.”

A project structured in two actions

The startTIC project is structured around two actions: first, the sustainable renovation and technological, digital, and innovative equipping of building number 4, which will house the incubator. Zona Franca will develop this through the complete remodeling of the building and the provision of technological infrastructure and equipment. The Consorcio will also take on the responsibility of maintaining and managing the space.

The second action will involve developing continuous advisory programs to support startups and generate synergies between them and the ecosystem, fostering innovation, access to financing, specialized and technological mentoring, and networking. The Chamber of Commerce will oversee dynamic activities such as internationalization programs and will implement its own entrepreneurship initiatives. Meanwhile, Gradiant will advise Zona Franca on the design and selection of technological equipment, collaborate on its management, and carry out programs and mentoring, especially in specialized and technological fields.

The future high-tech incubator and startup incubation space for the TIC sector will promote knowledge transfer, embed innovation within the business fabric, and enhance competitiveness, as well as attract talent and foster the smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth of SMEs. The incubator will drive the progress of incubated companies, stimulating innovation and transformation. The priority will be technology transfer, facilitating knowledge exchange among companies, as well as with research centers, universities, the public, and the business community.