cicero es un proyecto de la Red de Excelencia Cervera
  • Title CICERO
  • Consortium i2CAT, CEIT, FIDESOL e ITCL
  • Funding CDTI
  • Opening / Ending Oct 2023/ Jul 2025

CICERO is born with the mission of launching a strategic R&D&I program in cybersecurity, focused on transfer, which is complemented by the generation and attraction of research talent in cybersecurity. It is a network formed by 113 researchers, 1

The project will work on 4 technological lines:

  • A2 Challenges in identification: focused on threat intelligence (through automated analysis of honeypot data and the generation of realistic traces in them); and the identification of cryptographic and exploitable vulnerabilities through side-channel attacks.
  • A3 Challenges in protection: research will be conducted on multi-party computation models with encrypted domain processing, as well as post-quantum cryptography; and technologies for improving access control in digital onboarding processes.
  • A4 Challenges in detection: focused on the development of a prototype for anomaly detection based on multi-agent systems, research into mechanisms for the protection of generative AI, and the development of a virtual cybersecurity laboratory.
  • A5 Challenges in response and recovery: oriented towards digital forensic image analysis.

In addition to these four technical activities, CICERO has two other transversal activities:

  • A1 Improvement of research capabilities: it will focus on improving current capabilities through specialist-level national training and implementing measures that improve the perception of centers as attractive careers, attracting national and international talent. Additionally, a network of cybersecurity laboratories will be created to serve for training and talent acquisition.
  • A6 Technology transfer and internationalization: encompasses the actions that will be carried out to promote technology and knowledge transfer (through FARO projects), the dissemination of results, and the positioning of the network as a reference in security.