Start / End
January 2024 / January 2027
The ItDP project, or intelligent document processing — typically for orders, invoices, and delivery notes — acts as a vital tool for cost optimization by reducing the manual review time dedicated to such documents, which can take around 110 seconds of work, at a minimum, for each one. This automated process also helps eliminate potential errors arising from human review, as well as improve the management of internal company inventories and automatically generate quotes, invoices, and delivery notes.
There are multiple tools on the market focused on document field extraction (e.g., CIFs, prices, product lists in the case of an invoice), which generally rely on templates or pre-trained AI models. These tools often face difficulties when working with scenarios involving a large variety of formats or non-textual information. The main objective of this project is to develop a product for the digitalization and automated interpretation of technical documents containing text, tables (both structured and unstructured), and other types of graphical information (e.g., blueprints, diagrams, charts, stamps, signatures, etc.), enabling the subsequent application of business logic (e.g., automatically generating invoices from an order or quotes), functionalities that are largely absent in current solutions available in the market.
Project co-financed by the Xunta de Galicia under the Resolution of the Axencia Galega de Innovación of January 17, 2023 (IGNICIA Proof of Concept Program).
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ISERN Patentes y Marcas D, S.L.,