Biometrics to call the lift… with a smile

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Gradiant, with the aid of Mobbeel, deploys its face recognition technologies on the brand-new ABANCA headquarters in Madrid.

From now on, to use the lifts of ABANCA’s innovative brand-new innovative headquarters in Madrid, you’ll just need to be happy enough to display a smile.

abanca04Following its commitment to innovative solutions, ABANCA has implemented Gradiant’s biometric recognition technologies (in particular, our face expressions detector), in a way that (and we are almost pretty sure about this) we have never seen before: as a substitute for the button to call the lift. This way, when an employee or a client of Abanca wants to use one of the lifts in the new headquarters in central Madrid, instead of squeezing the traditional phisical button, should display a smile to the screen on the wall. The system will then automatically detect the user smile and will activate the lift.

This is just an example of the application of affective computing technologies, in which Gradiant has spent years researching and developing tools to determine the mood of people through biometric recognition. It is not the first time that Gradiant offers such technologies to companies or institutions: a few years ago, during with its latest promotion to LaLiga, the Deportivo de A Coruña used it to its «DeporFelicidad» online campaign, wich was a huge success among Depor’s fans.



Gradiant Biometrics

Gradiant Biometrics team holds more than ten years of experience in biometrics research, and has achieved remarkable success in transferring our technologies to marketsectors such as Banking, eHealth and Security.

We strongly believe that the key to success in the development of a biometric system is linked to three concepts: safety, comfort and availability, so we integrate these three principles in all our developments.

Following this philosophy, Gradiant offers its biometric technologies for mobile devices in three complementary ways: face, voice and signature recognition. All three versions can be used separately or combined, to enhance their safety and effectiveness.

Learn more about our biometric technologies in biometrics by Gradiant

Research Lines:

  • Face Recognition
  • Speaker Recognition
  • Handwritten Signature Recognition
  • Liveness Detection
  • Biometric Template Protection

Further information

Gradiant│ Biometrics Biometrics by Gradiant

Technology competence│ Biometrics

Commercial contact│ Spain

Commercial contact│ International