The Candela project aims to advance in the field of SmartCities by creating a set of tailored solutions to model, optimize, and act in real time on the entire public lighting system. In this project, consortium members use the latest technologies such as LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) radars, Big Data, Cloud, Edge Computing, Embedded IoT, and LED technologies.
he project proposes a model of a “smart and connected streetlight, following the Internet of Things paradigm,” as explained by the project leaders, which will allow for the evaluation of the current situation and also enable communication control from a central control center within a SmartCity concept. The streetlight itself is capable of checking its status, measuring its consumption, calculating its expected lifespan, etc., to adapt the lighting to the needs of each moment and location, and to have a more efficient and automated control system. Until now, with current conventional streetlight systems, “it is not possible to optimize the network and adapt to the demands of the urban space it is intended to serve.”