SMARNET (Smart MARitime NETwork) aims to apply the concept of Smart City to the coastal and maritime domain. The goal is to provide a platform, based on FIWARE technology, that supports the development of applications and services related to the coastal and maritime area, both for professional use and the general public. Currently, there are numerous sources of information related to the sea in areas such as fishing, logistics and transportation, recreational boating, tourism, as well as the environment and meteorology. SMARNET is the platform that enables unified access to these data and facilitates the creation of value-added applications in a simple, standardized, and scalable way. Examples of these services include: fishing control, maritime safety, and even a social network specifically for the maritime-coastal sector. GRADIANT’s role is to research innovative Cloud, Edge Computing, and Embedded IoT technologies within the FIWARE framework to build a cloud infrastructure that manages data from ship sensors and supports the different verticals proposed in the project.