The VEO5G project (Efficient Virtualization of 5G Operators) aims to develop a proof of concept for the virtualization of multi-tenant mobile networks. In this scenario, an infrastructure provider will be responsible for installing and maintaining the physical infrastructure that multiple operators will use to deploy virtual instances of network elements. This approach presents new challenges, as it increases the complexity and variables to be managed in these deployments, making traditional Operation Support Systems (OSS) tools even more relevant.
Moreover, business support tools must adapt to this model, as virtual operators will not be limited to current profiles; business-focused or vertical sector operators with specific requirements may emerge. These operators will be able to dynamically lease resources to meet their service needs.
The project’s goals are to analyze the feasibility of a single physical infrastructure shared by multiple virtual operators and create a platform that enables the deployment of multiple virtual operators over shared physical resources. Gradiant will contribute its expertise in data analytics, network monitoring, and optimization, particularly applied to 5G technologies. Gradiant will also participate in designing tools to optimize resource allocation and in implementing prototypes to validate these solutions in a proof of concept.