Imagen que simboliza el 5G y el uso de la inteligencia artificial

Artificial intelligence, key to identifying 5G signals

We live in a hyper-connected world. Our smartphones, home automation systems or IoT devices used by some utilities are connected to highly complex communications networks that need to be monitored from a radioelectric point of view. In this monitoring of radiofrequency signals there is an essential function to prevent incidents such as interference or a […]

Imagen de pagos digitales

Crypto technologies for banking and digital payments

  Cash will be numbered. With the advent of COVID-19, the growth of digital payment transactions has accelerated, with a particular focus on contactless, online and instant payments. Accenture’s global study shows that contactless payments have grown by 150% since March 2019. Nearly 2.7 trillion transactions, worth $48 billion, are expected to shift from cash to […]

The three shields against vulnerability

  Gradiant is part of the BIECO project that is developing different tools for vulnerability detection, that arises from the need to address the increase detected in cybersecurity attacks in recent years. The boost in teleworking has provided attackers with a vast field to act in id, in most cases, insufficiently protected. Clear examples of […]

GRD Tech: Towards a quantum technology useful for Industry

  Quantum technology is one of the areas with the greatest potential for growth. Although its development and use is still in its incipient stage, the possibilities and solutions it will provide are still unimaginable. Andrea Rodríguez Blanco, head of quantum technologies at Gradiant, shares in this GRD Tech a very clarifying simile: just as […]

10 key factors to the Smart Industry

We are immersed in an environment in which we continually hear about Industry 4.0 and the application of technologies such as IoT or Artificial Intelligence to solve multiple problems and use cases that may arise in a manufacturing environment. Typical examples may be defect reduction and prescription of industrial process parameters, logistics optimization, or even […]

Attack Detection in Industrial Networks

The current industrial modernization requires a deployment of communication networks that allow the operation and monitorization of diverse processes, such as water distribution or electricity generation. This cluster of neworks belongs to what is commonly known as Operation Technology (OT), which is sensible to suffer from different kinds of cyberattacks that may cause security breaches, […]

Women in technology: Betty Snyder Holberton

Since the beginning of time, women have been relegated to second place, overshadowed by men and not given credit for their achievements, as may be the case of Rosalind Franklin or Margaret Hamilton, among others. Therefore, in this new Women in Technology article we present the story of Betty Snyder Holberton, one of the six […]