AMIGO aims to develop an immersive environment that provides primary and secondary schools with a student-centered learning approach. AMIGO integrates six modules (STEM Enriched Dynamic Profile, STEM Personal Learning Environment, Authoring Tool, STEM Social Network, Learning Chart and Analytics, and Life-Long Learning ePortfolio) from both a visual and functional perspective. The goal is to offer a comprehensive ecosystem that represents the next generation of personal learning environments for STEM disciplines, including multiple features designed to enhance students’ motivation to learn these subjects and improve learning outcomes by adapting teaching to students’ needs.
The AMIGO platform (smArt steM learnInG ecOsystem) was one of the two winners of the IMAILE project with the highest score, recognized for its potential and innovation among all the proposals competing to pilot prototypes in several European schools between March and October 2017. Both projects will lead to the creation of two prototypes to be experimentally used with teachers and students from Finland, Germany, Sweden, and Spain.