Cartera digital de Gradiant creada en el proyecto Impulse

Transforming public services in Europe with eID (II)

IMPULSE is a proposed universal solution for accessing different public services. A single method of electronic identification must be compatible with all practical cases, regardless of the public service requiring verification. For such a transformative solution to be accepted, the project must understand how effective it will be in practice and how users will adapt to the technology.

Cartera digital de Gradiant creada en el proyecto Impulse

Transforming public services in Europe with eID (I)

Author: Alicia Jiménez González, Manager of the European Project Office This text was originally published in the Autumn 2023 edition of EU Research journal   The Covid-19 pandemic revealed that public administration relies too heavily on paper identification and in-person checks to authenticate someone to receive a service, either by sending copies of identification, or […]

Adriana Febles Rodríguez

21st Century Women Technologists: Adriana Febles Rodríguez

We continue to meet our colleagues in 21st Century Women Technologists after the summer break. Getting to know their profiles, why they chose their careers, and the work they do at Grandiant can encourage and inspire other young women technologists to follow their path in technology. Listening to a young professor of Telecommunications Engineering talk […]

Jean Jennings Bartik

Women in Technology: Jean Jennings Bartik

In this new entry Women in Technology we are going to talk about Jean Jennings Bartik and her professional career as another example of the gender gap that has existed in the field of technology for decades. To do so, we will go back to the presentation of the ENIAC, considered the first fully electronic […]

detección de vulnerabilidades con la herramienta fuzzing enmarcada en el proyecto Bieco

Detection: the key against vulnerabilities

  Are the programmes we run secure? Will the software that is in the process of development be secure? The only certainty we have is that all software can contain weaknesses or vulnerabilities.  These cracks can allow a person with unwanted intentions to gain access to the program. He or she could, for example, malfunction […]