Women in Technology: Fei-Fei Li

New episode of the ‘Women in Technology’ series, this time dedicated to a modern researcher: Fei-Fei Li. She is Professor of Computer Science, Co-Director of Stanford University’s Human-Centered AI Institute and one of the most prolific active technologist at Artificial Intelligence (AI) field.

Women in Technology: Hedy Lamarr

Successful Hollywood actress and scientist, her biggest contribution to ICT world was in the wireless communications sector. Lamarr’s technology was used to control communications and nowadays it is working in mobile networks, Bluetooth devices and WiFi.

GRD Tech: Cybersecurity

With spring just around the corner we jumped into the pool with a new blog section. At GRD Tech, our colleagues will talk to about the most disruptive technologies and trends of the moment, besides telling us first-hand about the technologies we are developing and the problems they solve. In this first publication, our colleagues […]

Women in Technology: Ada Lovelace

  New episode of the ‘Women in Technology’ series. Today, International Women’s Day, this post couldn’t be dedicated anybody but  her: Ada Lovelace. Considered the first woman programmer  in history, Lovelace has been the most mentioned reference by our colleagues, maybe for being a pioneer in a world -the Mathematics and Science- reserved exclusively for […]